Covid19: A judgement from God?

In times like these, the only thing we should be spreading around is a message of hope. I'm here by the grace of God, to share with you a vision I received from the Lord on March 11th, 2020.

In the vision, I saw chaos in the world. People were panicking and screaming as they ran around. All of a sudden, the sky changed and a powdered substance which consisted of different colors, spread across the globe in a rapid motion.

As I kept looking, I saw two people flying in the sky towards the substance that was spreading over the globe. The faster they flew towards the substance, the faster it spread. I could hear the two screaming with a voice of HOPE that they got everything under control so everyone should stay calm and not panic.

These two beings stretched out their hands and something went forth from their hand.  As soon as it mixed with the substance (with different colors) it was as though neutralization had taken place as it turned into water and hit the ground. 

Before I give my understanding of this vision, I would like you to hear me on this.

Covid19 as some are saying is not God's judgement on mankind because of our ever rising sinful deeds in the world or just a man made thing. Neither is it just a common flu-like virus. 

Covid19 is demonically engineered and released into the world to annihilate the majority of the world's population and to spread fear.

We are living in the end time. All that the Bible spoke about would have to be fulfilled before the coming of Christ Jesus.

The Bible says that in the end time, a leader, known as the beast, will emerge. He's going to set in place a new system to globally unite the nations together. Under this system we will have the new world order, where people would be forced to take the mark of the beast in whatever "form" it would be.

What does Covid19 have to do with it?

Covid19, I believe, was engineered as a global test to manipulate and control the populations. This was a minor test in preparation for what is coming in the future (The New World Order).

Beloved God wants us to be awakened to the true nature of this virus and not to be blindsided.

Let us be hopeful and not panic. The Bible says that we've overcome the enemy by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony.

Now is the time for us to rise up and pray like never before. For this Coronavirus is an awakening. The church needs to wake up!

When we as the church prays, the plague will be taken away. The two people  who destroyed the effectiveness of the plague in the vision, I believe, were the Representatives of God; crying with a voice of HOPE.


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